
E-meter for students. Mark V emulator for Theta-Meter e-meter.

E-meter for students. Mark V emulator for Theta-Meter e-meter.

Hello dear colleagues,

We have released a new software - Mark V emulator for Theta-Meter for the most popular operating systems.

Who needs this program? Primarily it was made for students. If you want to become a professional, to study original Ron's materials, you need e-meter which works like Ron's e-meter.

Let me introduce you a video demonstration of Mark V emulator for Theta-Meter:

When student start to do E-Meter drills at modern digital e-meter, usully he ask questions - where it is a Trim knob? Where it is a Set-Transit-Test? And so on.

Now it become simple - for training you can use an emulator program of Mark V.

The program runs on all Windows platforms from XP to Windows 10 on Mac OS X 10.7 and above, iOS7.0 and above, Android 3.5 and above.

For Windows and Mac OS there are hot keys:

Alt+Enter - fullscreen mode
Esc - exit full-screen mode
SpaceBar - set needle at Set

Programs can be downloaded at the following links:

Mark V for Windows download
Mark V for Mac OSX download
Mark V for Android download
Mark V for iOS  - write e-mail to us

Have a good sessions!

Mikhail Fedorov