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Theta-Meter e-meter program in a web browser.

Hello dear colleagues.

Today I want to show you Theta-Meter e-meter porgram in a web browser.

First of all I want to answer to the main question - why we make this program?

There are no any mystery. The main stream of software development now moves into the network, and we also follow this trend. We present a Theta-Meter e-meter program, which is written to show you modern standards for web programming. This is a real web-meter for the popular browsers - Chrome , Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge.
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E-meter for students. Mark V emulator for Theta-Meter e-meter.

E-meter for students. Mark V emulator for Theta-Meter e-meter.

Hello dear colleagues,

We have released a new software - Mark V emulator for Theta-Meter for the most popular operating systems.

Who needs this program? Primarily it was made for students. If you want to become a professional, to study original Ron's materials, you need e-meter which works like Ron's e-meter.

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